
Vodafone regularly advertises in the Sun, Daily Mail and Daily Express – as you can see from our daily advertiser tweets.

In 2017, Vodafone released a new advertising policy, stating that they would no longer place online adverts on sites that promote hate speech or fake news.

“Vodafone has a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion…We will not tolerate our brand being associated with this kind of abusive and damaging content,” Vodafone CEO Vittorio Colao said.

However, Vodafone has not said which outlets this includes and continues to advertise in both the print and online editions of the Sun, Mail and Express. Youth activist group Stand Up Stand Out have asked Vodafone to meet them to discuss how hate in the media directly affects them. So far Vodafone has chosen to ignore this request.

Three Vodafone adverts in the Daily Mail and the Sun

