Let’s #ExtinguishHate this Valentine’s Day

Start Spreading Love

#StopFundingHate, #IamHere and Sleeping Giants France are urging people to come together to send a message of unity and empathy this Valentine’s day. Our action is inspired by the new #ExtinguishHate campaign, formed by one of the men who confronted the London Bridge attacker with a narwhal tusk.

Across Europe and around the globe, hatred and extremism have been surging, fueled by toxic and hateful messages both online and in the traditional media. Messages that are being funded by advertising.

This Valentine’s Day, we’re getting behind the #ExtinguishHate message to show unity and solidarity, and urge brands to take action.

The key action is to use the #ExtinguishHate hashtag on Twitter and encourage everyone in your networks to do the same. We’re also encouraging everyone to contact advertisers appearing on media which publish inflammatory and divisive messages.

How to support our Valentine’s Day action

Please go to Breitbart, Gateway Pundit or this Mail Online article and take a screenshot of an advertiser on the website.

Tweet the brand using the #ExtinguishHate hashtag, copying @StopFundingHate, and urge them to pull their ads.

If you’re part of another organisation challenging hate and discrimination in other ways, please also use this hashtag to highlight the work that you’re doing.

Other ways to take part today

Our friends Sleeping Giants France have been challenging toxic content in a range of French-speaking media, including Valeurs Actuelles.

They’ve shared a number of examples with us of articles where additional support would be useful. The way online advertising works mean that a lot of advertisers based outside of France won’t know that they are appearing on this website and therefore funding it.

Here are some of the articles that Sleeping Giants France have identified:

“Migrants : l’invasion qui menace”

Mosquées en France : l’inquiétante invasion

Immigration : Cette “submersion” qui inquiète

Lutte contre l’islamisation, défense de la remigration : autoportrait de “Génération identitaire”

La charia bientôt consacrée par un juge européen?

As above, the action is to take a screenshot of the advertiser and send them a tweet, using the #ExtinguishHate hashtag – please also cc in @Slpng_Giants_Fr

We’ll be sharing further information and action through the day so keep an eye on our Twitter feedour Twitter feedour Twitter feed for further updates!
